Saturday, February 9, 2008

Hail, Educators!

National Teachers' Day isn't until May 6, but as I was writing up a post on Dr. Reeves' new book, I began to think about all of the teachers and professors who have influenced me over the years, the ones who made a profound difference in my life. I present them to you now (in no particular order), as a way of saying thanks.

Dr. Douglas Groothuis - Although I don't always agree with him, he single-handedly reinvented the way I think and opened up my eyes to the wonderful world of philosophy (in which I am still quite the neophyte). He also challenged me to increase my vocabulary by his own example.

Drs. Rodney Reeves and Bing Bayer - They taught me Greek and Hebrew, respectively. They also taught me to get excited about the Bible.

Richard Irby - Mr. Irby was my senior English teacher. Everything I know about grammar I learned from him. His may be the most valuable class I have ever taken.

Vic Noordhoek - He was my junior-high and high-school cross-country coach. He got me started down the path of running, and coached me to all-State honors my junior year.

Mark Misch - He was my college cross-country/track coach. He took me as a 17:00 5K runner and turned me into a 15:00 5K runner, and reignited my passion for the sport in the process.

There are many others who have influenced me, but these would have to be on the top of the list. (No offense to those who didn't make the list; you're still important to me, too!) Where would I be without such people willing to pour themselves into a skinny white kid? I don't know, and I don't want to know. How does one repay this debt? I suppose by pouring himself into others.

I hope I do them proud.

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